Dear friends,
This Sunday’s Gospel reading includes St Matthew’s account of the Transfiguration, when – atop a high mountain – before three of his disciples, Jesus’ appearance altered to shine like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. Already, a mere dozen days into Lent, we are anticipating the glory of the Resurrection at Easter, but – in Jesus’ instruction to his disciples not yet to linger on the Mount of Transfiguration – we are also reminded that for Christians, “via crucis, via lucis” – the Way of the Cross is the only path to resurrection light: we must face life’s challenges secure and steadfast in our faith in Jesus, knowing that he is our constant companion on the way.
It has been a thoroughly encouraging beginning to the season of Lent at St Mary’s, with attendance at Mass on Ash Wednesday of 34, and 18 people at yesterday’s first celebration of the Stations of the Cross. This beautiful Lenten devotion invites us to accompany the Lord on his journey to his crucifixion, entering imaginatively into his Passion through music and scripture and meditations and prayers. Please do consider joining us next week on Wednesday: throughout Lent, the 9.30am Mass on Wednesdays will begin by walking the Stations of the Cross.
Another journey of great spiritual significance is our forthcoming joint parish pilgrimage to Walsingham, 6-9 June: thank you to those who have already registered their interest – please sign up in church and pay the £30 deposit if you would like to reserve a space. The total cost of just £270 includes full board accommodation, and coach travel.
I would also like, during this holy season, as we all endeavour to deepen our lives of prayer, to encourage those who are for whatever reason unable to come to Mass on any given Sunday instead to attend the Saturday evening Vigil Mass at 6pm. This Mass, which fulfils the Sunday obligation, includes the same readings and reflection as on Sunday morning, as well as an abbreviated selection of hymns. Unless one is away entirely from Kenton, surely the same activity which might preclude attendance on Sunday morning would not also stop one coming on Saturday night? We need all of us to be at Mass each week: as an early Christian martyr remarked, ‘Without Sunday, we cannot live’: without the graces which flow from the Sunday Eucharist, we cannot face the challenges of the week as effective witnesses to Jesus, our highest calling and our most important aim.
I am pleased to include with this e-mail a poster for an upcoming Spring concert at St Andrew, Kingsbury on 25 March, as well as the March Prayer Case from Action by Christians Against Torture (Harrow). The Group will hold a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, 29 March from 7.45pm-8.30pm – and all are welcome to join. The meeting will include prayer for victims of persecution, as well as information about how to write letters of appeal and advocacy on their behalf. Please contact Margaret Davies ( for details.
With my best wishes and every blessing for steadfastness and hope during this holy season,
Fr Richard