News for Sunday, 23 March
Dear friends, St Mary's marked an important and very encouraging milestone last week, with attendance over an "ordinary" Sunday rising to more than 70 people, for the first [...]
Dear friends, St Mary's marked an important and very encouraging milestone last week, with attendance over an "ordinary" Sunday rising to more than 70 people, for the first [...]
Dear friends, Our guest preacher at Mass this Sunday will be the Rev'd Canon David Stanton, Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer of Westminster Abbey. Canon Stanton is also a [...]
Dear friends, We have now embarked upon our annual pilgrimage to the Cross, as we make our way through this holy season of Lent. We must keep always [...]
Dear friends, Fr Joseph Barnes, who is on placement with us for the next two-and-a-half weeks writes, 'Hello! My name is Fr Joseph, and I am very pleased [...]
Dear friends, We are pleased to welcome Fr Joseph Barnes to St Mary's on a short placement with us: Fr Joseph will preach at this weekend's Masses, and [...]
Dear friends, This Sunday's readings meditate upon the need for depth of faith: to trust in God is as if to put down roots to guard against drought; to [...]
Dear friends, This Sunday's Gospel reading relates the story of the miraculous draught of fishes, following which Christ commissions Peter, James and John as, henceforward, "fishers of men": [...]
Dear friends, This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas - which commemorates the purification of Mary and Jesus, according to [...]
Dear friends, The Body of Christ is broken only in order to be shared, and then to be re-united in the fellowship of believers: as we continue to [...]
Dear friends, (Fr Richard remains on annual leave until Tuesday, 21 January: please contact Fr Mike in case of pastoral emergency. There will be NO public Morning Prayer [...]