
About Richard Norman

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So far Richard Norman has created 108 blog entries.

News for Sunday, 28 July

2024-07-24T19:30:32+00:0024th July, 2024|

Dear friends, We look forward very much to welcoming you to Mass this coming weekend: Saturday's Vigil Mass is at 6pm, and Sunday's Parish Mass at 10.30am. Please [...]

News for Sunday, 21 July

2024-07-17T14:28:42+00:0017th July, 2024|

Dear friends, I started to draft this week's mailing on the train back from Belmont Abbey in Herefordshire, where I have spent the past three nights on retreat. [...]

News for Sunday, 14 July

2024-07-10T16:38:38+00:0010th July, 2024|

Dear friends, The great prophet Amos, who - as this Sunday's first reading relates - spoke in the name of the Lord to God's people, was nevertheless taken [...]

News for Sunday, 7 July

2024-07-04T07:28:27+00:004th July, 2024|

Dear friends, Although today the church is in use as a polling station for the General Election, yet the round of daily worship continues unchanged - with Morning [...]

News for Sunday, 23 June

2024-06-13T21:39:47+00:0020th June, 2024|

Dear friends, (Fr Richard will return from annual leave on Tuesday, 25 June.) This Sunday's Gospel reading tells of Christ's calming of the storm over the Sea of [...]

News for Sunday, 16 June

2024-06-12T17:07:07+00:0013th June, 2024|

Dear friends, This coming Sunday is the secular celebration of Fathers' Day - but it is also therefore an opportune moment to pray for our priests (our spiritual [...]

News for Sunday, 9 June

2024-06-05T12:06:25+00:006th June, 2024|

Dear friends, This week's mailing begins with the sad news of the unexpected death of our friend and brother Peter Coe - a stalwart of St Mary's, and [...]

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