Dear friends,

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the disciples James and John ask Jesus to share in his glory: he indeed offers ultimately to grant this request, but offers – at the same time – the surprising revelation that true glory is to be found through faithful service and self-sacrifice. When we look for glory, is it here that we look? A Latin aphorism explains that via lucis, via crucis: the way of light is the way of the Cross. We should therefore seize those opportunities for hidden and humble service of the Lord and of our neighbour – for these are heaven’s royal road.

One such opportunity comes through contributing to the bring-and-share party after our St Leonard’s Day Mass, which is fast approaching – at 5pm on Sunday, 3 November. (Note also that there will be no 10.30am Mass that day.) Do please see Pat as soon as possible to confirm your contributions of food for this party – and thank you in advance for your generosity. We would likewise love to welcome your family and friends, especially from other parishes, to share in this celebration: in addition to the party, there will – weather permitting! – be a short fireworks display after Mass (for which cash donations are also kindly invited, c.£180: see me to contribute).

It was very good that so many of you were able to stay to the planning meeting after Mass last Sunday, during which we set in motion preparations for our forthcoming Christmas Market, on Saturday, 23 November (in the Hall, 10.30am – 5pm). Please note and share the attached flier, and please also bring to church your donations of raffle prizes, and quality bric-a-brac. Those wishing to book a table for the sale of Christmas items or other crafts (£10/table) should speak to Johnette.

It is imperative that those wishing to take part in the Youth Group outing a week on Saturday now return their £10 contributions, and completed registration forms (to Ryan): this outing is now fully booked.

Please continue to add names to the All Souls’ list in church, to be remembered at Mass on Saturday, 2 November (9.30am and 2pm).

Our friends at Kenton Methodist Church are recruiting for two part-time posts: Church Administrator, and Property Officer. Please see the attached advertisements for further information.

Thank you for your Harvest donations to the Harrow Food Bank, which weighed in at 95.4kg.

Please also find attached (i) an invitation to the Walsingham Festival at St Andrew, Kingsbury next week on Saturday, 26 October (to include sprinkling and the healing liturgies, and a light lunch); (ii) an invitation to All Saints’ Day, at All Saints, Margaret Street, on Friday, 1 November at 6.30pm; (iii) an invitation to a High Mass of Requiem (in the Tridentine Rite – the Latin liturgy of 1962) at St Silas, Kentish Town, on Thursday, 14 November at 7.30pm, and (iv) advance notice – in the form of a flier – of a joint outing by coach to Winchester’s Christmas Market, on Tuesday, 3 December: a list will go out in church next week – and Ryan will be coordinating sign-ups.

The funeral of the late Brenda Drake-Brockman will take place at St John’s Church, Hillingdon on Wednesday, 23 October at 11am (followed by the committal at Breakspear Crematorium at 12 noon, and a reception at The Woodman pub): please let me know if you wish to attend.

And this Sunday’s incense will be scented with nard: register your favourite scent here, between now and 4 November!

May your love be upon us, O Lord, / as we place all our hope in you,

Fr Richard