Cari amici,

Ciao da Roma: greetings from Rome! I am thinking of you all as I spend this week on holiday, and have lit a candle for the parish in the Holy City. This week is the first anniversary of my second message to you, as I prepared for the move to Kenton – and I wrote to the parish on the occasion of Our Lady’s Birthday, 8 September. I asked you then to pray for me, as I approached my Induction; and I humbly ask your prayers again, as the first anniversary of the same draw nears. If you are able, please come to Mass on Friday this week (9.30am) – for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – and remember me and my ministry at the altar. As Jesus says in this Sunday’s Gospel reading, ‘where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.’

I will be back with you on Tuesday next week: please note that there will be no Morning Prayer on Thursday, 14 September. Forward in Faith (London) is organising an interesting trip to the V&A Museum, on Saturday, 21 October – to look at some “Objects of Faith and Devotion”. To reserve a space on the tour (£15pp), please e-mail Fr Rayner Wakeling via

Che Dio ti benedica: may God bless you,

Fr Richard