Dear friends,
The Resurrection appearance on the road to Emmaus is one of the best-known and best-loved of Our Lord’s appearances during that first Eastertide – doubtless because it resonates with so many elements of our own contemporary faith experience. As we read and listen to this Sunday’s Gospel, let us do so contemplating the following two questions:
- in which direction are we headed, and where on life’s journey do we currently find ourselves? What matters are preoccupying us at present?
- can we, next, identify anything in our lives as they are which may prevent us from acknowledging God’s presence: are we, for example, over-busy or distracted, or have we put something else in God’s place?
These questions and others may help us to situate ourselves within this Gospel story, so as to hear the Lord speaking through it to us. The disciples’ response in faith is prompted by two key factors: first, they feel their hearts burn within them as they talk to Jesus on the road. By sharing our own journey with Jesus, and bringing the circumstances of our lives to him in prayer, our hearts too may be touched by his presence, a presence which comforts and challenges, a presence which prunes and heals. Second, the disciples recognise Jesus in the breaking of the bread: it is in the Eucharist above all that we encounter our risen Saviour – and this is but one important reason why it is vital to come often to Mass. Just as in Lent we may have given something up to walk more closely with Jesus, so in Eastertide might we take up a more fervent eucharistic practice in order to encounter the Lord more vividly, and receive the graces He longs to bestow?
Please note that, in my absence on annual leave, the schedule of Masses and Offices during the week will be reduced, as per the Pew Sheet: note in particular that there will, week beginning 23 April, only be Masses on Saturday evening, Sunday morning, Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. We are very grateful to Fr Mike and Fr Jason for offering these Masses for us.
Fr Richard