News for Sunday, 15 December
Dear friends, As this holy season of Advent progresses towards its conclusion at Christmas, we encounter a series of beautiful spiritual traditions en route. This coming Sunday, the [...]
Dear friends, As this holy season of Advent progresses towards its conclusion at Christmas, we encounter a series of beautiful spiritual traditions en route. This coming Sunday, the [...]
Dear friends, We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Mass this weekend, when our final guest preacher this month, both at Saturday's 6pm Vigil Mass and [...]
Dear friends, After a very special conclusion to the liturgical year - with a fantastic Christmas Market and a joyous celebration of Christ the King, this Sunday we [...]
Dear friends, Last week on Tuesday I boarded my flight to Sofia with an Archbishop of Canterbury securely in post; some hours later that day I landed, and [...]
Dear friends, (Fr Richard is on annual leave this week, until Tuesday, 19 November: please note that there will therefore be no public Morning Prayer, or morning Mass, [...]
Dear friends, What a wonderful celebration for St Leonard we enjoyed last Sunday: thank you so much to all who supported and contributed! Thank you likewise to those [...]
Dear friends, What a busy but exciting week we have in prospect! On Friday falls the Solemnity (and Holy Day of Obligation) of All Saints: our usual 9.30am [...]
Dear friends, The clocks go back one hour overnight this weekend: despite the extra hour's sleep, do try not to be late to Mass! As you may know, [...]
Dear friends, In this Sunday's Gospel reading, the disciples James and John ask Jesus to share in his glory: he indeed offers ultimately to grant this request, but [...]
Dear friends, As autumn approaches, so our preparations for the events of the coming months pick up pace! Please stay after Mass this Sunday to a planning meeting [...]