Dear friends,
(Fr Richard will return from annual leave on Tuesday, 25 June.)
This Sunday’s Gospel reading tells of Christ’s calming of the storm over the Sea of Galilee: it prompts us to ask whether, in the turmoils of our own lives, we ourselves call upon the Lord to rebuke the wind and waves, albeit figuratively – and whether we have faith enough to trust ourselves and our lives to Jesus’ safekeeping and care
We are very grateful to Fr David Green, Vicar of our sister parish of St Anselm, Hatch End, who will kindly be offering this Saturday’s 6pm Vigil Mass while I am on annual leave. The Vigil Mass fulfils the Sunday obligation, and is a gentler, simpler service than on Sunday morning – ideal for a time of quiet reflection. Please show your support and gratitude to Fr David by attending this Mass.
On Sunday morning we will be joined at the 10.30am Parish Mass by representatives of Harrow StreetPastors, who will be sharing with us further information about this ministry. Street pastors are trained volunteers from local churches, who care about their community – and who offer support, safety and help to those on our streets on Friday and Saturday nights, between 10pm-4am. Do come along to Mass on Sunday to hear more! We will be supporting Harrow StreetPastors with our external giving in July.
Between 22-30 June, we will welcome on placement in the parish Noah Kelly, a colleague of our own pastoral assistant-to-be, Ryan Davey: Noah is completing a second-year Ministry Experience Scheme placement at St Alban, North Harrow – and will be with us to learn more about our work and worship and witness in Kenton: please say hello, and make him welcome.
Please also make sure to purchase or reserve your barbecue tickets (from Pat) this weekend: our parish barbecue is set to take place on Saturday, 6 July from 3pm – and tickets are £12.50/adult and £5/under-18. We also welcome your donations of raffle prizes – and ask everyone to spread the word! Your complimentary glass of rum punch on arrival is kindly to be sponsored by the Jamaican High Commission.
The funeral Mass of the late Peter Coe will take place in church on Friday, 12 July at 11am: Peter will be received into church on Thursday, 11 July at 4.30pm – and Mass will be celebrated as usual on Thursday 11 at 6pm. There will likely be no 9.30am Mass on Friday 12. All are welcome to these services, to the committal at Breakspear Crematorium at 12.30pm – and to the reception afterwards, at St Andrew, Roxbourne. We continue to hold Peter and his family in our prayers: family flowers only, please – and donations on the day in aid of Diabetes UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. This Mass will be live-streamed.
‘Let [us] thank the Lord for his love, / for the wonders he does for men‘,
Fr Richard