Dear friends,

This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas – which commemorates the purification of Mary and Jesus, according to the Law of Moses, in the Temple in Jerusalem, forty days after the Lord’s Birth, at Christmas. Simeon then prophesied that this holy Child would be God’s ‘light for revelation to the Gentiles‘: accordingly, the tradition developed of blessing the year’s supply of candles in church on this day. In our own liturgy, Sunday morning’s Mass will begin with the blessing of candles and a procession. Our principal celebrant and guest preacher (on both Sunday morning and Saturday evening) will be the recently-retired Bishop of Richborough, the Rt Rev’d Norman Banks – whose farewell Mass in St Alban’s Abbey a number of us attended last year. Candlemas marks the close of the Christmas season, after which the Crib is finally dismantled for another year: Christmas cake will be served after Mass on Sunday, and all are heartily encouraged to join us for this beautiful celebration – and to greet and meet Bishop Norman.

As described in a previous message, ten new charities have been selected for us to support this year, beginning in February with London’s Community Kitchen – which, across our city, runs community cafés (including The Kind Café, here in Harrow), food markets and a culinary training academy; serves the homeless, and promotes ethical catering. It has also been selected by the current Mayor of Harrow as the chosen charity of his incumbency. There will be a basket at the back of church for your (cash) donations: please give generously to this important cause.

Our young people are encouraged as soon as possible to sign up for the next Youth Group outing – at 2.30pm on Saturday, 15 February, to Houdini’s Escape Room Experience in Acton. The much-subsidised cost per person will be just £10 (and additional financial help is available as required), to include lunch. However, places are strictly limited to just ten young people – and those wishing to attend MUST both sign up in church, complete and return a registration form, and make payment (to me or to Ryan) to secure a place.

Advance notice, next, that this year during Lent we will share a Lent Course with our friends at All Saints’ Church, Kenton. Over six sessions, this course will explore the meaning of the Nicence Creed, the 1,700th anniversary of the composition of which the universal Church celebrates this year. Our Lent Course will run on Friday evenings during Lent, beginning (with Stations of the Cross) on Friday, 7 March at 7pm – here at St Mary’s. The venue will alternate between the two churches each week, and the sessions will last for approximately one hour, concluding with light refreshments. Please consider participating in this shared time of prayer, study and fellowship with our brother and sister Christians.

Kenton West Safer Neighbourhoods Team will be hosting the following women’s safety sessions: 1pm on Monday, 3 February (at the Kenton Road Post Office); 3pm on Thursday, 13 February (at the Kenton Road Post Office); 10am on Thursday, 20 February (at Priestmead Recreation Ground), and 3pm on Thursday, 27 February (at the Kenton Road Post Office). They will also be hosting drop-in surgeries at Kenton Library on Saturday 8 February (at 4pm), and on Tuesday, 25 February at 3pm.

Please note that the next visit of the Willan Singers, originally scheduled for 23 February, has been postponed to later in the year.

Thank you, finally, for all your very kind birthday wishes, cards and gifts last week: I had a lovely day, and enjoyed celebrating my birthday with so many of you.

Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. / Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth,

Fr Richard