Dear friends,

As this holy season of Advent progresses towards its conclusion at Christmas, we encounter a series of beautiful spiritual traditions en route. This coming Sunday, the Third of Advent, is also known as “Gaudete” Sunday – a Latin word which commands us to rejoice! It takes this theme from the words of our second reading, in which St Paul encouraged the Christian Church in Philippi ‘[to] rejoice in the Lord aways; again, I will say, rejoice‘. Christian joy can be distinguished from the mere pleasure of the party season by its lack of self-centredness: joy is contagious, lifting the hearts of those around us, inviting them to join us, and having as its hallmark a concern for the wellbeing of others, even as we celebrate ourselves. It is a gift of God, in the Holy Spirit.

Also, next week, from 17 September, each day at Evening Prayer the Church addresses God in what are known as the “Great O Antiphons” – ancient titles of praise which recall God’s plan of salvation, sung to haunting melodies, centuries-old. Why not come one day next week to Evening Prayer (on Tuesday or Thursday at 5.45pm), to enter deeper into the mystery of Christ’s coming, through the Liturgy of the Hours?

The Stanmore Choral Society’s Christmas concert takes place in church on Saturday this week, 14 December at 3.30pm (tickets £10/free, here): consequently, there will be NO public Evening Prayer – but the Vigil Mass will be celebrated as usual, at 6pm.

You are warmly invited to wear something rose/pink to Mass this weekend, to mark “Gaudete” Sunday, and to match the colour of the eucharistic vestments. Our celebrations will include sparkling refreshments in the Hall, after Sunday’s 10.30am Mass. This Sunday is also the final opportunity to contribute to the cost of this year’s Christmas flowers: thank you for your generous support.

Next year’s Freewill Giving Envelopes are now available at the back of church: to join this scheme, or to set up a regular electronic payment in support of our parish’s ministry and mission, please speak to one of the clergy or churchwardens, or to David Griffiths.

On Sunday afternoon we are off to Harrow Arts Centre, for the pantomime: there are four seats remaining (£20/£10), and we will meet in the foyer at 2.30pm (for a 3pm start to the performance).

The funeral Mass of the late Clive Thomas will take place on Monday, 16 December at 11.30am at All Saints’, Kenton: may he rest in peace, and may God give comfort to his family and to all who mourn.

Our friends at Bereavement Care invite us to join them carol singing at Harrow-on-the-Hill Station next week on Tuesday, 17 December between 4.30-6.30pm.

Please find attached to this message a flier for the Patronal festival celebrations on Thursday, 26 December at St Stephen, Gloucester Road,  as also a poster for the joint Kenton Group of Churches service of prayer for Christian Unity on Friday, 24 January 2025 at St Anselm, Belmont – for which we invite volunteer readers (ideally young people), and offers of food to share.

May God the Father, who loved the world so much that He sent his only Son, give you grace to prepare for life eternal,

Fr Richard