Dear friends,
Following a joyous Confirmation last Sunday, we assure the newly-confirmed of our continuing prayers, and extend a hearty vote of thanks to all whose hard work and generosity made Sunday evening such a success: thank you!
The Youth Group outing to LaserPlanet Watford is this coming weekend on Saturday: please gather at Kenton Station at 12.45pm (and please return any outstanding permission forms or payments).
This Sunday we return to (and conclude) our season of remembrance and hope, as we mark Remembrance Sunday, and consider (in very practical terms) how we can leave a lasting legacy to the glory of God and our neighbour’s good. Please note that Mass will begin a little later than usual, at 10.55am – and that we will begin outside, in the memorial garden – in order for us to conduct the Act of Remembrance and observe the two-minute silence, at 11am.
As around us we contemplate a world in which still so readily men resort to violence to voice their anger, so more earnestly do we likewise plead the one, true sacrifice of Christ upon the Cross as the sole foundation of our peace.
Please find attached a flier for our forthcoming “Countdown to Christmas” Fair, in the Hall on Saturday, 25 November (10.30am-5pm): tables can be booked (£10) by e-mailing; please spread the word, and share this flier widely.
We are also looking for volunteers to assist with a Christmas Workshop in church for Kenmore Park School, on Friday, 8 December, 1-2.15pm.
Please find attached the ACAT (Harrow) November Prayer Case (and note that the (final) ACAT (Harrow) Annual Service will be on Sunday, 19 November at 3pm, at Christ Church, Roxeth Hill – all welcome); and please also be aware that next week, I will be on annual leave, 13-20 November: Fr Mike has very kindly offered to cover the majority of Masses in my absence – but please note that there will be no Morning Prayer either on Tuesday or Thursday, and no Morning Prayer or morning Mass on Saturday next week.
May God grant to the living, grace; to the departed, rest; to the Church, the King and the Commonwealth, peace and concord; and to us and all His servants, life everlasting: and this with my own best wishes and prayers also,
Fr Richard