Dear friends,
Please note that British Summer Time begins this weekend, and that clocks go forward one hour overnight Saturday to Sunday: don’t get caught out, and risk being late to Mass!
I am writing to you on Maundy Thursday, as we enter the “Sacrum Triduum”, the great and holy Three Days. This evening’s Mass will begin at 8pm, and afterwards the Watch of the Passion will continue until midnight.
These days are the dramatic heart of Christianity, when we enter into the mystery of the Lord’s saving suffering and death. Mindful of the suggestion last Sunday that we add a “plus one” to our own devotional programme, please privilege the Triduum liturgies – and make every effort to attend.
Tomorrow, Good Friday, the Kenton Group of Churches Walk of Witness will commence at All Saints’ RC Church (HA3 0UL) at 9.15am. If you think you would be unable to walk the route, please instead gather here at St Mary’s at around 10.15am: the final prayers will (weather permitting) be offered in the memorial garden, before we repair to the Hall for tea, coffee and hot cross buns with our brother and sister Christians from other churches. Please see Lorna if you can assist serving these refreshments.
Then, at 3pm, we will celebrate the Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday here in church. After the Liturgy, I will be available to hear Confessions.
On Holy Saturday, we require all hands on deck to clean and decorate the church for Easter! Opening devotions will begin at 9am, and we will work through the morning: come for as long or as little as you can manage, at whatever time.
The Hall will be open for deliveries of food for the party on Saturday evening from 5pm (and see Pat to sign up to bring something): the Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter will start at 7.30pm.
On Easter Day, Sunday 31 March, the Parish Mass will be at the usual time of 10.30am: weather permitting, it will be followed by a children’s Easter egg hunt in the memorial garden! Do encourage family and friends to come to share in our Easter festivities.
Thank you in advance for the hours of service which will accompany our keeping of Holy Week: it is very much appreciated – as are your kind Easter wishes, cards and gifts to me and Fr Mike. Thank you likewise for incredibly generous donations towards our Easter lilies totalling £719.50 (please hand in any final donations as soon as possible): the flowers are resting in church around the altar of repose, and look marvellous! Please now also return your Lent Appeal “jars of change”, for WaterAid. Our external giving in April will be in support of the Friends of the Holy Land, assisting the very vulnerable Christian communities in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan.
This evening, I encourage you to look up as you arrive at church: the illumination of our tower has been completed, in loving memory of Doreen Snelling: during the hours of darkness, St Mary’s will henceforward shine out in our local community, as a beacon of hope and Christian witness!
There are a few spaces remaining on the next Youth Group outing, indoor climbing at HarroWall, at 3pm on Saturday 6 April. Please sign up/ return your registration form/ pay the subsidised fee of £10pp/ complete the online registration ASAP, and certainly by Sunday.
May the risen Christ fill your hearts and lives with Easter joy,
Fr Richard