News for Sunday, 14 April
Dear friends, This Sunday's second reading reflects on three interlinked dimensions of discipleship: believing, behaving and belonging. To be a Christian is to know God (to believe), to [...]
Dear friends, This Sunday's second reading reflects on three interlinked dimensions of discipleship: believing, behaving and belonging. To be a Christian is to know God (to believe), to [...]
Dear friends, What a wonderful Holy Week we have enjoyed this year: glory to God in His risen Son, our Saviour - and thank you to everyone who [...]
Dear friends, Please note that British Summer Time begins this weekend, and that clocks go forward one hour overnight Saturday to Sunday: don't get caught out, and risk [...]
Dear friends, At long last, our journey through Lent is drawing to its close, as Holy Week begins this coming Sunday. On Palm Sunday, with the crowds in [...]
Dear friends, What an encouraging Sunday we enjoyed last weekend, and thank you to all who supported our Mothering Sunday services - especially to those who prepared such [...]
Dear friends, We mark the mid-point of Lent this coming Mothering Sunday, and we look forward to welcoming you to Mass: please do encourage family members and friends [...]
Dear friends, We are looking forward to welcoming the first of our Lenten guest preachers this coming Sunday at the 10.30am Mass: Fr Thomas Cotterill is Assistant Curate [...]
Dear friends, What an encouraging beginning it was to this holy season of Lent, with such a heartening number (52) present in church on Ash Wednesday: this was [...]
Dear friends, Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the forty-day fast of Lent - and (depending on when you open this e-mail!) you may still just about [...]
Dear friends, Rather remarkably, Lent is now almost upon us - beginning next week on Ash Wednesday, 14 February, when there will be Masses with the Imposition of [...]