
News for Sunday, 23 March

2025-03-20T16:11:48+00:0020th March, 2025|

Dear friends, St Mary's marked an important and very encouraging milestone last week, with attendance over an "ordinary" Sunday rising to more than 70 people, for the first [...]

News for Sunday, 16 March

2025-03-12T16:12:57+00:0013th March, 2025|

Dear friends, Our guest preacher at Mass this Sunday will be the Rev'd Canon David Stanton, Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer of Westminster Abbey. Canon Stanton is also a [...]

News for Sunday, 2 March

2025-02-26T20:59:16+00:0027th February, 2025|

Dear friends, Fr Joseph Barnes, who is on placement with us for the next two-and-a-half weeks writes, 'Hello! My name is Fr Joseph, and I am very pleased [...]

News for Sunday, 9 February

2025-02-06T13:08:55+00:006th February, 2025|

Dear friends, This Sunday's Gospel reading relates the story of the miraculous draught of fishes, following which Christ commissions Peter, James and John as, henceforward, "fishers of men": [...]

News for Sunday, 19 January

2025-01-09T22:26:12+00:0016th January, 2025|

Dear friends, (Fr Richard remains on annual leave until Tuesday, 21 January: please contact Fr Mike in case of pastoral emergency. There will be NO public Morning Prayer [...]

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