The Twenty-First Sunday of the Year
Dear friends, One of the areas in which congregational growth is happily evident is at our weekday Masses: approximately a third of our regular congregation now also comes [...]
Dear friends, One of the areas in which congregational growth is happily evident is at our weekday Masses: approximately a third of our regular congregation now also comes [...]
Dear friends, A church not unlike our own once hosted a summer parish barbecue, and set out the salads and sweets to share on a trestle table in the garden. At [...]
Dear friends, Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Transfiguration, in which a foresight of Christ's Resurrection glory was gifted to his disciples, before he underwent his [...]
Dear friends, This Sunday coming is the Feast of the Transfiguration, of which the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote, 'Today the liturgy invites us to focus our [...]
Dear friends, On Monday this week the veteran BBC newsreader George Alagiah died, following a nine-year battle with bowel cancer. Just hours after his death was announced, BBC [...]
Dear friends, Huge thanks to those who supported last Saturday's parish barbecue - and especially to all whose hard work and generosity made the afternoon such a success! At the [...]
Dear friends, Christ's final words on the Cross ('It is finished') are reflected in the first words of his public ministry, 'The time is fulfilled'. Each explain to [...]
Dear friends, In this Sunday's Gospel reading Jesus says, 'Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.' The life of [...]
Dear friends, With a busy week, we begin a busy summer: it's all go at St Mary's! The 6pm Vigil Mass this coming Saturday evening, 1 July will [...]
Dear friends, '[The] Lord is at my side, a mighty hero': so sings the prophet Jeremiah in our first reading this Sunday, voicing a note of resolute hope [...]