
About Richard Norman

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So far Richard Norman has created 108 blog entries.

News for Sunday, 17 March

2024-03-13T16:43:29+00:0014th March, 2024|

Dear friends, What an encouraging Sunday we enjoyed last weekend, and thank you to all who supported our Mothering Sunday services - especially to those who prepared such [...]

News for Sunday, 3 March

2024-02-28T14:27:39+00:0028th February, 2024|

Dear friends, We are looking forward to welcoming the first of our Lenten guest preachers this coming Sunday at the 10.30am Mass: Fr Thomas Cotterill is Assistant Curate [...]

News for Sunday, 4 February

2024-02-01T08:29:17+00:001st February, 2024|

Dear friends, Somewhat to our surprise, but much to our delight, this parish ended 2023 with a modest budget surplus. Your parish officers and PCC have worked hard [...]

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