News for Palm Sunday, 24 March
Dear friends, At long last, our journey through Lent is drawing to its close, as Holy Week begins this coming Sunday. On Palm Sunday, with the crowds in [...]
Dear friends, At long last, our journey through Lent is drawing to its close, as Holy Week begins this coming Sunday. On Palm Sunday, with the crowds in [...]
Dear friends, What an encouraging Sunday we enjoyed last weekend, and thank you to all who supported our Mothering Sunday services - especially to those who prepared such [...]
Dear friends, We mark the mid-point of Lent this coming Mothering Sunday, and we look forward to welcoming you to Mass: please do encourage family members and friends [...]
Dear friends, We are looking forward to welcoming the first of our Lenten guest preachers this coming Sunday at the 10.30am Mass: Fr Thomas Cotterill is Assistant Curate [...]
Dear friends, What an encouraging beginning it was to this holy season of Lent, with such a heartening number (52) present in church on Ash Wednesday: this was [...]
Dear friends, Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the forty-day fast of Lent - and (depending on when you open this e-mail!) you may still just about [...]
Dear friends, Rather remarkably, Lent is now almost upon us - beginning next week on Ash Wednesday, 14 February, when there will be Masses with the Imposition of [...]
Dear friends, Somewhat to our surprise, but much to our delight, this parish ended 2023 with a modest budget surplus. Your parish officers and PCC have worked hard [...]
Dear friends, 'Come, ring out our joy to the Lord, / hail the rock who saves us': these words, from this Sunday's responsorial psalm, express the essence of [...]
Dear friends, As well as bearing the rather prosaic name of the "Third Sunday in Ordinary Time", this coming Sunday is also the "Sunday of the Word of [...]