News for Sunday, 20 October
Dear friends, In this Sunday's Gospel reading, the disciples James and John ask Jesus to share in his glory: he indeed offers ultimately to grant this request, but [...]
Dear friends, In this Sunday's Gospel reading, the disciples James and John ask Jesus to share in his glory: he indeed offers ultimately to grant this request, but [...]
Dear friends, As autumn approaches, so our preparations for the events of the coming months pick up pace! Please stay after Mass this Sunday to a planning meeting [...]
Dear friends, Many congratulations are in order! Last weekend's Macmillan Coffee Morning raised a record-breaking and deeply impressive £716.10 for the vital work of Macmillan Cancer Care: thank [...]
Dear friends, Thank you to all whose hard work last week made our Patronal festival celebrations, in honour of Our Lady of Walsingham, such a success: I was [...]
Dear friends, The God who makes us rich in faith has, as this Sunday's first reading outlines, made us also heirs to an inheritance of inestimable value - [...]
Dear friends, (Fr Richard remains on annual leave until Tuesday, 17 September: there will be no public Morning Prayer today or on Saturday (and no morning Mass on [...]
Dear friends, On Sunday last, we inaugurated the ministry of our new pastoral assistant, Ryan Davey - with customary St Mary's aplomb! Thank you so much to all who [...]
Dear friends, Today at 6pm we will again be joined by the Willan Singers for a special Sung Mass (no public Evening Prayer): volunteers are kindly requested, both [...]
Dear friends, 'Then Joshua said to all the people, '...[C]hoose today whom you wish to serve' - so says this Sunday's first reading. Not for nothing do the [...]
Dear friends, In this Sunday's second reading, St Paul counsels the Christians in Ephesus that, although '[this] may be a wicked age, [yet] your lives should redeem it'. [...]