
About Richard Norman

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So far Richard Norman has created 108 blog entries.

Easter Day

2023-04-06T14:08:26+00:006th April, 2023|

Dear friends, Today (Maundy Thursday, 6 April) we begin the most sacred season of the Christian year, the "Sacrum Triduum" (or Three Holy Days). I look forward to [...]

Palm Sunday

2023-03-28T11:16:42+00:0029th March, 2023|

Dear friends, An acquaintance told me recently of his intention to camp out overnight on the Mall to witness the King's Coronation procession along the Royal Route in May: [...]

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

2023-03-23T08:47:47+00:0023rd March, 2023|

Dear friends, Last Sunday's flush of rose gives way this week to another dramatic visual milestone on our continuing journey through Lent: on Passion Sunday, the Fifth Sunday [...]

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

2023-03-15T14:15:19+00:0015th March, 2023|

Dear friends, Last week was undeniably a dramatic Sunday, over which, nonetheless, Mass attendance again surpassed 60 - congratulations! As our 2023 Stewardship Campaign - "With Gratitude and [...]

The Third Sunday in Lent

2023-03-09T14:47:46+00:009th March, 2023|

Dear friends, I am delighted to report that attendance at Mass last Sunday surpassed 60 souls for the first time since my Induction: this figure is a third [...]

The Second Sunday in Lent

2023-03-02T21:58:56+00:002nd March, 2023|

Dear friends, This Sunday's Gospel reading includes St Matthew's account of the Transfiguration, when - atop a high mountain - before three of his disciples, Jesus' appearance altered [...]

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