
About Richard Norman

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So far Richard Norman has created 108 blog entries.

The Eleventh Sunday of the Year

2023-06-14T14:10:23+00:0014th June, 2023|

Dear friends, Our beautiful church is an oasis 🌊🌴 in the current soaring temperatures, and a spot of stillness amidst the busyness of life. Join us this Sunday, not [...]

Corpus Christi

2023-06-01T15:53:31+00:007th June, 2023|

Dear friends, Greetings from the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, where you are all very much in my prayers! 'Blessed are those who are invited to the [...]


2023-06-01T09:16:28+00:001st June, 2023|

Dear friends, This Sunday we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity - of one God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As this rather irreverent video demonstrates, [...]


2023-05-24T15:06:35+00:0024th May, 2023|

Dear friends, Although Pentecost points to an ending - the end of the Easter season - it is in fact more properly a beginning - when we commemorate [...]

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

2023-05-11T08:21:19+00:0011th May, 2023|

Dear friends, I think it's safe to say that rarely has an Annual Parish Meeting inspired wild enthusiasm in a congregation; however, the short meeting which will take [...]

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

2023-04-27T05:31:14+00:0027th April, 2023|

Dear friends, The Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday, and is a day of special prayer for vocations to the sacred priesthood. Thank [...]

The Third Sunday of Easter

2023-04-13T12:06:58+00:0020th April, 2023|

Dear friends, The Resurrection appearance on the road to Emmaus is one of the best-known and best-loved of Our Lord's appearances during that first Eastertide - doubtless because [...]

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