Dear friends,

It isn’t often I find myself nodding in agreement with something said by one of the candidates to become the general-secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain; however, it was reported earlier this week (admittedly with some alarm in my newspaper) that Wajid Akhter had contended that ‘[c]hildren in the Islamic community should be taught to identify themselves primarily as Muslim rather than British.‘ It is obviously not with the truth of Islam that I find myself agreeing; rather, it is with Mr Akhter’s intuition that faith comes before flag – and that, for us as Christians, there is now ‘neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for [we] are all one in Christ Jesus,’ – a common identity gifted to us in Holy Baptism.

This weekend we will celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and renew our own baptismal vows (and receive a bottle of baptismal water to take away with us, to bless ourselves and our homes). Contemplating the mystery of Christ’s Baptism, St Proclus of Constantinople marvels at an inextinguishable ‘fire immersed in water‘, and remarks upon the way in which this saving event surpasses the Genesis Flood:

Then, the waters of the Flood destroyed the human race, but now the waters of Baptism have recalled the dead to life, by the power of the One who was baptised. In the days of the Flood, the dove with an olive branch in its beak foreshadowed the fragrance of the good odour of Christ the Lord; now, the Holy Spirit, coming in the likeness of a dove, reveals the Lord of mercy.’

After Mass on Sunday there will be a meeting of the PCC. Thereafter, from 13 to 20 January I shall be on annual leave: I am very grateful to Fr Mike, who has kindly agreed to offer Mass in my absence, and to be available to you, as required, for pastoral and spiritual care. Please note that there will be NO Morning Prayer or morning Mass on Saturday, 18 January – but all other liturgies will take place as usual: on Tuesday and Thursday next week, Ryan will officiate at Morning Prayer – do join him, to support him. Shortly after my return, I invite everyone at St Mary’s to join me to celebrate my thirty-seventh birthday, on Sunday, 26 January – over drinks, after Mass.

A reminder that, on Friday, 24 January we are invited to join our Christian brothers and sisters from other churches in Kenton and Belmont for a Service of Prayer for Christian Unity at St Anselm, Belmont at 7pm. We have been asked to provide both one (young) reader, AND some light refreshments (sweet or savoury vegetarian finger food), ideally reflecting our rich cultural diversity. Please do put this service in your diary, as we work and pray for the full, visible unity of Christ’s Church – a unity rooted in our common Baptism.

The next outing of our Youth Group will likely take place the afternoon of Saturday, 15 February: please watch out for a sign-up sheet, and further details, in church.

And please, finally, find attached a list of significant celebrations this year in Bishop Jonathan’s pro-cathedral, the guild church of St Andrew, Holborn – to which we are all invited, and encouraged to attend.

May God, who has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light, pour out in kindness his blessings upon you, and make your hearts firm in faith, hope and charity,

Fr Richard