Dear friends,
A large group from Kenton joined friends from Willesden and Kingsbury – and, indeed, hundreds of other pilgrims from parishes across the country – for a wonderful time in Walsingham this week on Monday, at the Pilgrimage for Healing and Renewal. A recording of the Mass and healing liturgies is available here. This Sunday’s responsorial psalm speaks of the soul ‘thirsting‘ for God: ‘My body pines for you / like a dry, weary land without water.‘ It should therefore come as no surprise that the ministries of God’s healing offered at Walsingham focus around the sprinkling with water from the holy well, itself a further echo of the fundamental healing of soul we receive in the waters of Baptism.
The psalm continues, ‘So I gaze on you in the sanctuary… My soul shall be filled as with a banquet, / my mouth shall praise you with joy.‘ When we come together to worship, God opens His hands to fill our hearts with peace, and love and joy: He invites us as honoured guests to His table, to feed on the Body and Blood of His Son. St John Vianney said, ‘Not to go to Communion is like someone dying of thirst beside a spring.’
We will all have the opportunity to feel God’s healing touch through the well-water of Walsingham when, to begin our Patronal Festival Mass on Sunday, 24 September, we will be sprinkled with water – a sign of God’s forgiveness and restoration. Do make sure you have this date in your diary: there will be a guest preacher at the 10.30 Parish Mass, and a party afterwards – please bring something to share.
Attached to this post are two invitations from St Andrew, Kingsbury – to join them for a Heritage Open Day on 16 September, and a concert on Saturday, 23 September. Also attached is a poster for a special Mass at St Mary’s the evening of Sunday, 15 October (at 6pm) – when a guest choir will sing Fauré’s beautiful Requiem: all are welcome, and there will be refreshments afterwards.
I will be on annual leave next week, until Tuesday 12 September, and Fr Mike has kindly offered to cover the Masses in my absence: please consult the pew sheet for any changes to the schedule.
May almighty God, at the intercession of Our Lady of Walsingham, grant you health and peace:
Fr Richard